Summer has already begun and after a long winter and an even longer covid sleep, not everyone feels completely in swimsuit form for the summer season. Let's see together a few ideas on how to keep in harmony not only the body but also the mind & soul.
Every little child knows that movement is healthy for our body, but probably you may not have known that it benefits aren't just for your body box, but also for your soul & mind.
Regular exercise improves mood, gives people a sense of energy and vitality. By movement we increase resistance to stress and fatigue. A lot of people are calmer, happier after the movement. When moving, "pleasant" endorphins are released, which not only act against pain, but also improve mood.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D regulates the activity of hundreds of genes and this has a direct effect on our immunity. In the winter, many of us are deficient in vitamin D. It is also called sun vitamin, because it is formed in the skin after 15 -20 minutes of staying in the sun.
Tip: by walking outside and barefoot, you not only supplement vitamin D, but also stimulate the nervous system, the acupuncture points, supporting your blood circulation.
Stretching maintains the flexibility of muscles, prevents them from tearing or straining, and balances the one-sided muscle load, but it can do much more. Prevents muscle damage. It also improves motor reactions, trim and leads to proper posture.
Tip: Use yoga aids for better relaxation and stretching.

Combine everything into one.
Try something new and leave your shoes at home, use the light weights of a travel mat, take it with you and stretch your body in a pleasant place, pump up vitamin D, stimulate the nervous system, breathe and recharge your energy throughout the day.

Do you like to pomp the body? Do you like to sweat during sports or do you want to burn winter calories? Do you think yoga is just about stretching?
Tip for training enthusiasts: try VINYASA YOGA FLOW
Vinyas lessons are conducted in the spirit of alternating positions on the breath wave. During the lesson, you will sweat properly and strengthen your muscles.
How to strengthen our favorite but problematic areas such as the center of the body and buttocks?
Tip: include the following positions in your practice, for example:
CHAIR (utkatasana), and its variants (kumbhakasana), WARRIOR III (virabhadrasana), (utthita ashwa sanchalanasana)