Just practice yoga for 15 minutes a day and your back will thank you!

Incorporate yoga into your daily life and you will mature over the back pain. All you need are 3 exercises, thanks to which you will strengthen the area of the back muscles, you will learn to breathe and you will strengthen your lumbar muscles. And most importantly, you stimulate energy all over your body, which stagnates not only during sedentary work. Go for it! In addition, now you can buy the yoga equipment 20% cheaper, just enter YOGASTORE20 in the basket. The discount is valid until the 20.10.2021 for all not discounted articles.
You probably know the most famous yoga position from the sun salutation. The dog upside down is one of the first positions you learn. It activates and strengthens most of the muscles of our body. The position creates a slight abdominal vacuum, which stimulates internal organs such as the kidneys and liver, helping to better cleanse the body. It strengthens the abdominal muscles and stretches the back muscles.
- heels are on the ground (but not necessary)
- the head is in extension along the spine, relaxed together as the neck i
- elbows do not turn sideways (hole points upwards)
- the hips aren't bent

The cobra is a complex position that stretches the back, pectoral muscles and internal abdominal muscles. It consists of three parts: lie on your stomach, go to the cobra with a breath, with exhalation comes relaxation and return to the starting position on your stomach. The key of this asana is proper breathing, focus on it.
- the head is not tilted
- palms are vertically under the shoulders
- the feet are instep down
The fish supports the functionality of the respiratory system and stretches the back muscles. We recommend that you switch into fish only when you have mastered all the previous positions and you are not bothered by acute cervical spine pain. During the exercise, you will strengthen the muscles of the upper torso, shoulders and neck.Don't try to lean on the forehead, the head should touch in the area of the crown.
- lie on your back, legs are bent
- the lower back is firm, lift into an arch
- you lean on the top of your head
- don't forget the right breath

Celebrate with us the World Spine Day, work out and have fun with the code for 20% discount YOGASTORE20

Hello to all yogis and novice yogis
Let me introduce you myself :) My name is Bara, you can find me on the instagram as @byvanilka, I am a flying soul to all corners of the world, a little bit hippie, a little bit punk, I love yoga and everything connected with it , and when I'm not traveling I teach, practice and sometimes I write something. Together with the girls from the Yoggys team we agreed to download our YOblogGGYS, so the articles you find here, will be created by me. If you are interested in anything or want to learn more about a certain topic, we will be happy for your feedback, because we create this place mainly for you. Contact me at barca@yoggys.eu
Whit love Bára