1. Begin with acceptance - accepting yourself, your body as a perfectly assembled instrument, your mind as a helper, and your soul as a pure perfect self. You are already on the right path, the path is only yours alone, try to accept everything as it is and enjoy every tiny step forward. Do not push it forward, the body will open gradually, in positions where you do not have enough range, use props - a yoga belt, block and mat will be your best friend.
2. Forget expectations – detach your mind from clinging to achieving goals. For whatever reason you start yoga, let the process flow, what yoga is supposed to bring you, it will bring you even without expectations. That way you can fully concentrate on the present moment.
3. Understand the core of yoga – yoga is not just exercise, actually exercise is a really tiny part of it. Yoga is life. How you perceive your surroundings, how you perceive yourself, how you breathe, how you think, how you don't think, how you are. You can practice it in any activity. Yoga is not practiced, yoga is lived.
4. Be aware of your breath - breath is absolutely fundamental in yoga. Breath is your omnipresent tool and great helper. With the help of proper breathing, the body heals and forms, and the mind gradually learns how to slow down the incessant stream of thoughts. Create your own yoga corner at home, where you feel really good and safe. You can buy a talisman in the form of a statuette or mineral stone, a yoga pillow, or simply roll out a mat and light a candle. Include breathing exercises in your daily practice. Take time during the day for at least a few minutes, visit your safe place and observe how life itself flows through the body.