The moon has more influence on our planet than it seems.
Do you want to use the power of each of its phases as beneficially as possible? Here you will find some tips on how to do it :)
The moon also influences the cycles and natural rhythms of life, the movement of the oceans, our bodily fluids and our emotions. Everything that moves on planet Earth is also influenced to some extent by the Moon. It plays an important role especially for women, as a healthy cycle naturally synchronizes with a full or new moon.
If you want to summon the energy of the moon to help you bring healthy changes into your life, let go of what no longer serves you and take care of your body, your plants and important events in life, study the basic rules of how lunar energy actually works.
What does the moon affect?
The moon works in a different way on Earth. We feel its influence most on the days of the full moon and the new moon, when it moves the tides of the ocean and allows our emotions to more easily float to the surface.
Correlated with astrological star signs, however, it also has a specific influence on when to cut plant leaves or change the soil for better growth, when to cut hair for greater strength and vitality, when to plan surgeries and medical treatments, or when to start fasting.
How to flow with the waning moon?
The waning moon phase after the full moon will help you relax. Just as the moonlight recedes into darkness over the course of two weeks, the influence of the moon also recedes and therefore encourages you to let go of old things, throw a weight off your shoulders, or resolve unresolved issues.
How to flow with the waxing moon?
The waxing moon phase after the new moon will help you bring something new into your life. As the light returns to the Moon, it also returns to your life in the form of new energy, new intentions and new power to create.
New moons are new beginnings. Just as the soil prepares to plant new seeds in the dark, so for us, the new moon is the best time to start something new, get clarity about the future and bring fresh energy into our lives.
5 Keys to harnessing the Power of the New Moon
- Set your intentions and write them in your journal. In ancient shamanic traditions, the new moon was used to fulfill dreams, a heart's desire, or a wish.
- Cut your hair if you don't want it to grow back quickly. This also applies to unwanted body hair and maintaining a good hairstyle.
- Try fasting and relax. The New Moon is the best day of the month to release excess weight, toxins and stagnant energy. Use this day to drink a lot of water, herbal teas or detox juices, eat light fruits or steamed unseasoned vegetables, go to the sauna, get a massage and rest. Just try doing nothing for a day :)
- If necessary, schedule surgery for this period. Since the new moon is a system-wide reset day, it is also the best day to help the body get rid of any unwanted energies or illnesses.
- With the energy of water rising up, this is the best time to plant leafy greens, herbs or decorative plants. They will green up with lots of leaves and grow much better when planted on a new or waxing moon.
Full moons are the moment of completion. When all energies reach fulfillment, the natural next step is to let go and release. Full moons are the best time to take inventory of what no longer serves us and where we can make more space for something better.
5 Keys to harnessing the Power of the Full Moon
- Get rid of unwanted habits, people or circumstances. The full moon is the most powerful time of the month and will help you to let go. Take a journal and pen, write down what you would like to release from your life and ask the full moon to harmoniously help you with it. Then tear the paper and burn it.
- Grow a lion's mane. Today is the day! Hair cut during a full moon grows the fastest, strongest and thickest.
- Plant root and fruit plants. The energy self-contracts and slowly descends, energetically withdrawing into the earth, therefore increasing the growth and vitality of roots such as root vegetables as well as fruit trees and plants.
- Perform a shamanic cleansing of the house. When the energies are ready to release and leave, it is the best time of the month to ventilate the house, you can use sandalwood or other fumigants to fumigate every room, including the corners. Take unused items to the thrift store, rearrange books and decorative items, clean windows and make room for the arrival of the New.
- Make a list of your needs and wants. Because the full moon is the strongest energetically, it also brings the strongest emotions. Which is a good day to feel all areas of your life. Examine your current feelings about your family, partner and relationship, work, friends and community, communication, intuition and spirituality and consider whether these areas are truly aligned with your highest good. If they aren't, go back to step 1 and add things to the release list.
"Aim for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will end up among the stars."
Hello to all yogis and novice yogis
Let me introduce you myself :) My name is Bara, you can find me on the instagram as @byvanilka, I am a flying soul to all corners of the world, a little bit hippie, a little bit punk, I love yoga and everything connected with it , and when I'm not traveling I teach, practice and sometimes I write something. Together with the girls from the Yoggys team we agreed to download our YOblogGGYS, so the articles you find here, will be created by me. If you are interested in anything or want to learn more about a certain topic, we will be happy for your feedback, because we create this place mainly for you. Contact me at
Whit love Bára